We offer 4 miles of salmon & sea trout fishing divided into three beats; Upper Netherdale beat 1, Upper Netherdale beat 2, and Carnousie & Ardmiddle.
Take a look at our location on the river with this fantastic map, commissioned by the Deveron, Bogie and Isla Rivers Trust.
A full sized version is available to buy here.
Click map to view in more detail

Deveronside Fishings operate a three beat rotation to offer guests a variety of fishing in contrasting surroundings. The three beats are fished by guests at Waterside Lodge, Ferry Cottage and a local syndicate. When guests at Waterside Lodge and Ferry Cottage have chosen not to fish, day rods are available for visiting anglers. For availability please contact us or contact Frank at Henderson's Country Sports in Turriff.
Our resident ghillie can accompany guests throughout their stay. He is available to help experienced anglers with advice on where to fish and choice of tackle, and can also help with tuition for any novices in the party.
While most attention is focused on salmon and seatrout fishing, the river holds a good stock of fighting wild brown trout, which can be exciting sport in the early months of the season.
Weather can disrupt fishing on all rivers – drought and spates can on occasion make angling difficult or impossible. In such conditions we have two private trout lochs stocked with brown and rainbow trout. One is within the grounds of Waterside Lodge. The other is a 30 minute drive from Waterside, which can make for a pleasant day out in a different environment.
Click below to find out more about each of our 3 fishing beats at Deveronside Fishings, including hints & tips and our favourite spots.