The first day of September brought us to the Allt Deveron where we accompanied the Deveron, Bogie and Isla Rivers Charitable Trust and watched them monitoring juvenile Salmon and Brown Trout numbers. This was a fascinating process to watch and I couldn’t believe how many fish came from such a small stretch! The weather was on our side and was perfect for a trip to such a remote and beautiful location.

The weather has not been on our side this month with the river being up as much as 8ft in places. Every time we think the rain has stopped, it starts again! Despite some days being unfishable we have been heartened by the jolly and upbeat view of our guests who have, instead of fishing the river on the odd unfishable day, enjoyed fishing our lakes and taking in Aberdeenshire instead! This last week has shown much improvement thankfully…October conditions should be perfect!!

In contrast to the notes on rain this month I also experienced GLORIOUS SUNSHINE at Waterside Lodge in the middle of the month! We enjoyed a delightful lunch with the guests at the Lodge where we ate al fresco in the sun! Generally this month has been grey and miserable … I wish I’d taken a photo to prove how beautiful it was!
Following up on last month’s guest review saying Ferry Cottage should be re-named “Faery Cottage”, I’ve found more clues of a potential fairyland down by the river!

Despite the poor conditions this month there have still been a good number of fish caught. The Deveronside beats’ September figures are up a whopping 84% over September last year! Sadly I don’t have any photos to post – PLEASE SEND US PHOTOS of your stay and fish at Deveronside. It would be great to see and share them!